NSW Country trip: 24-25 June

Woody Head – Bundjalung National Park
Our campsite (in fact the entire campground) is really great and we are managing well being off the grid. The fridge runs on gas, lights on 12v, the battery gets topped up by solar panels, and Arno has an ‘inverter’ which allows us to use 220v to charge our laptops, and Jen’s smoothie maker.

We are just metres away from the ocean and have a stunning view (shared with quite a few kangaroos) from the front of our caravan.

We have the best weather imaginable, but it is winter with daytime temperatures in the low twenties. Night temperature drops to around 9 degrees and so far we’ve used our (gas) heater inside once for around 7 minutes to warm up it up. The days are short, the sun starts setting around 4.45 pm, and the beautiful sunset colours have hung around until around 6 pm or so. We have our firepit going quite a while by then, so nice and cozy.

Wednesday June 24
Just a few minutes’ drive from our campground is the Iluka Bluff Lookout where we- hopeful to spot a whale or two (none) – stopped, and followed the Rain forest walking track , a nice hike (round trip of around 5km); and although the sign says that there are 140 bird species we only heard a few and saw even less. They must be on holiday as well ๐Ÿ™‚

One of the interesting things we learned along the northern NSW coast is the Strangler Fig (also known as the ‘Strangler’). It begins life as a seed lodged in the fork of a host tree. As the fig grows it eventually engulfs and kills its host. You can see the tree in the picture below being strangled.

This area is very popular with fishermen, though not many catch a lot. There are a lot of fishing limit rules – a big poster gives the details with sizes and quantities permitted to keep per species. The aboriginal people laid out rocks (see picture) to trap fish; they come in with the waves, and are unable to swim back.

Fish traps

Jen rediscovered the ease of making (and deliciousness of eating) curry, so that was our dinner after our fivesies (aka ‘Borrel’) around our cozy firepit. So far this is the first campsite this trip that we are allowed to use it. Geri & Michael came over, as well as our neighbours Pam and Mike, whose fire we had enjoyed the night before. What a life….

Thursday June 25
Another glorious day – beautiful sunshine. Jen went for a lovely walk along the coast heading south – almost to Iluka Bluff. Almost no cloud or wind, and a spectacular beautiful blue with aqua sea. Alas, no whales….

Arno did an enjoyable 9-hole round of golf at the Iluka golf course.

The pre-sunset whale watching proved to be more fruitful. From our campsite we watched a few of them spouting and just cruising… no breaching or flapping, but still, we were happy (also with our great binoculars).

Spent our last night having fivesies with the four of us, and all agreeing it’s been a great trip. Geri & Michael will continue theirs a little longer, we are returning to the stable for a bit.

One more night here, then packing up and with one last overnighter along way, we will be home on Saturday.

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One thought on “NSW Country trip: 24-25 June

  1. Geweldig wat een mooie tocht en heel fijn die Maps erbij ๐Ÿ–’
    Nog steeds in de korte broek Arno en wat gezellig bij dat kampvuur. Het koelt wel af s avonds denk ik.
    Foto’s zien er weer goed uit , ik zou zรณ willen komen en meereizen ๐Ÿค—

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