NSW Country trip: 15-17 Jun

June 16 – Scotts Head
Another stunning day at the beach with temperatures in the low twenties. Even the sea is still warm enough to swim in, which Jen did – water temperature is 22 degrees.

Arno went to hit 9 holes at the Macksville Country Club. An amazing golf course with long fairways (like 425 meters) and lots of trees 🙂

But it went really well, he lost only one ball and scored 12 over par. He loved the walk and it was nice and sunny so all the ingredients for a great game of golf.

As Arno did not bring all his camera gear on this trip (only a small one and his phone) he went out to see if he could shoot the Milky Way (which is very visible from the beach) with his new phone. And he came back with a smile on his face, it all worked well and here is one of these images:

June 17 – Scotts Head
Jen got up early to see the sun rise… Stunning views from the heads.

We decided to go for a bit of sightseeing today and headed for Yarriabini National park for a great lookout on Yarrahapinni mountain. And that is was, after a 10 km dirt track (great to have a 4wheel drive) we arrived at the lookout, and it certainly was worth the drive.

After this great view, we moved on to Bowraville, one of those typical country towns that you will find everywhere around Australia. We walked through town and Arno visited the local war museum but it was all a bit dead and desolated. We were not sure if this was a result of Covid-19 or if this town was on a downwards hill prior.

On our return trip, we stopped for lunch in Macksville, which was great and while we were in a more lively town, picked up a few things in the shops to improve our camping experience and found a nice lamp for our house. Jen had another great swim in the beautiful waves with the surfers and SUPpers – enjoy it while the temperatures are so kind! Mid-winter is not always this mild!

Our next destination is Lennox Head, 286 km from here so we’ve already packed up the annex while it is was dry and will be on the road early (maybe)…

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4 thoughts on “NSW Country trip: 15-17 Jun

  1. Ha reizigers : ik had een paar keer gekeken of er een update was en ja vandaag is ie er!
    Jullie hebben weer mooie ervaringen verteld en Arno heeft zich ook weer eens lekker kunnen uitleven op de golfbaan .
    Mooie omgeving en heerlijk dichtbij zee. Jullie treffen het met het weer, hopelijk blijft dat zo.
    Hier gaan we weer een beetje naar normaal hoewel we afstand houden en voorzichtig blijven want het virus is niet weg .
    Jullie ook voorzichtig en gezond blijven. Liefs xx Annette

  2. Nog even : het zou fijn zijn als je er weer een route bij doet op de kaart. Met veel dank alvast xx

  3. Wat een schitterende foto’s wederom, dat is echt een plezier om naar te kijken.
    Arno, was je alleen gaan golfen? En was je te voet of met een karretje? Mooi puntenresultaat hoor.
    Jen, wat goed van jou om te gaan zwemmen. Vond Arno het te fris om met je mee te doen?
    Fijne reis verder, geniet er van !

  4. wat leuk om bij te houden waar jullie allemaal zijn geweest
    ik hoop dat jullie het echt naar jullie zin hebben

    It’s so nice to be able to follow you and see where you guys have been.
    I hope you’re having a great time


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