NSW Country trip: 18-23 June

June 18 – Lennox Head
We arrived as planned in Lennox Head, a really lovely campsite with a view on Lake Ainsworth – a tea tree stained lake. It is situated between our campsite and the ocean with lots of mangroves around it.

We stay in Lennox Head for 5 nights which gives us time to see some of the country towns around here. In this area, there are a lot of avocado and macadamia nut farms. We made our way to the Macademia castle and Jen picked up some flavoured macadamia nuts. We stopped at the tiny, but very quaint town of Newrybar, which was bustling with people, despite a wet day… it boasts the oldest bakery in Australia….(closed after 10am, but we could walk in). We had a glass of wine in one of the busy and ridiculously overpriced cafes (but just to boost the local businesses)…

Besides having a lot of fresh produce, this is also an area that brings a lot of seafood to our plates. There are many fish and fish shops around and to make sure you do not forget to buy some fresh prawns they put this enormous prawn on the city limit.

As we are hugging the ocean we can visit many lighthouses, so we did visit the famous one in Byron Bay. We spotted some whales spouting and a few waved a fin. Unfortunately no breaching or tail slapping….

Byron Bay lighthouse

We had mostly beautiful weather, and did some lovely walks around Ainsworth lake and over many endless beaches, had some beautiful dinners and lunches with our friends and have been enjoying our trip a lot.

After 5 days at Lennox Head we reached the furthest north for this trip, and are now south (home) bound. Next camp is Woody Head Camping grounds in the Bundjalung National Park (near Yamba) for 3 days. Our site has views of the ocean. We will be off the grid here, so another test for our van – hopefully we can manage to keep the fridge and heater going for 3 days. Arno will bring out the solar panels. We can also join all the other happy campers and pull out the fire pit…! The night sky here is just unbelievable as it is very dark with almost no light pollution and clear skies.

Sunset at Woody Head

So expect a few more photos of the milky way soon!

Meanwhile, at Annette’s special multiple requests for maps, Jen has added them – click for the routes…
Bellinger to Scotts Head
Day trip from Scotts Head
Scotts Head to Lennox Head
Day trip1 from Lennox Head
Day trip2 from Lennox Head
Lennox Head to Woody Head

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5 thoughts on “NSW Country trip: 18-23 June

  1. Mogelijk komt mijn bericht nu dubbel aan, ik kwam opeens uit het commentaarvak
    Heerlijk macadamia noten en avocado en nog gezond ook
    Genieten hoor.
    Goede verdere reis

    1. We hadden 3 soorten macadamias gekocht: kaneel, hickory gerookt en wasabi… ze hadden nog een stuk of 5 andere waaronder knoflook…!

  2. Allereerst heel hartelijke dank voor de Maps, zo fijn😊❣
    Verder weer erg leuk om jullie te volgen : eindelijk herken ik iets van de reis naar het noorden die Ton en ik maakten (19 jaar geleden )met Guus en Liesbeth. Byron Bay was toen een mooie stop met prachtig uitzicht.
    Klinkt ook goed die Macadamia noten in verschillende smaken, jammie .
    Jullie hebben het gezellig samen en zo hoort het ook.
    Geniet maar veel en laat ons meegenieten. We zijn benieuwd naar de nachtopnames!
    Liefs xx Annette.

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